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Mind Soup 2.0 Reaches 1000 Page Views

I am proud to announce that at 12:39 AM (GMT+3) today  Mind Soup 2.0 has reached 1,000 page views in ten days (since 09/09/09) including a day of maintenance. This is the first milestone to overcome and I am glad that people are checking out the blog and liking it.

On average, each visitor to Mind Soup is reading 5 pages of articles and posts. I am also excited that Mind Soup has reached 48 different countries so far (sadly, none of  which are in Africa). The top three countries so far are:
  • Lebanon (26.7%)
  • USA (24.4%)
  • UK (8.1%)
I want to thank the rest of the authors and my readers for the success of Mind Soup.

