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Update about the AUB Tuition increase

Update: May 26, 2010

Dear AUB Community,

With the announcement issued recently by AUB regarding the delayed implementation of the new tuition policy, I wish to address some remarks to all who hold this University dear.

Universities exist in part to champion the exercise of free speech and to empower the members of our community to use it. But the right to express oneā€™s opinion requires judgment and consideration: free speech does not equate to free license. Last week the limits of tolerance and respect were violated in numerous ways.

I wish to salute those at AUB who upheld the best traditions of the University during three turbulent days: professors who endeavored to keep their classrooms open, though frequently subject to brute intimidation; students who exercised their freedom to get an education, though several were physically dragged out of class; staff members who crossed blockade lines in front of College Hall and other buildings, in the face of the crudest physical and verbal abuse.

Students of AUB: you are the hope of your parents and the future of this nation. This University offers you the chance to develop, with an unrivalled degree of freedom and critical thinking, the leadership skills you will be called upon to exercise for the greater good of your communities. Use this time wisely and well. I pledge to assist you in this process, involving students more closely in the informed decisions of the University, particularly in those areas such as financial aid, where you have such a great stake.

I wish to add a final thank-you to those students who, in spite of the weekā€™s disruptions, forged ahead with a hugely successful AUB Outdoors event over this last weekend, inviting all of usā€”as well as our closest neighbors in Ras Beirut and beyondā€”to observe that AUB is indeed a place where community values can be celebrated.

With best wishes for success in your final exams,

Peter Dorman

Update: May 24, 2010

In response to the request submitted by USFC to the new tuition policy:

While the University reiterates its commitment to its 15-credit policy in order to maintain academic excellence and increase financial opportunities for needy students to attend AUB, the University will start implementing the 15-credit policy only beginning with the undergraduate class of 2011-2012. During the coming academic year, 2010-2011, we will work towards enhancing the financial aid process.

Additionally, the University will guarantee a fixed 4% annual tuition increase for current and all students for 3 years, and will recommend to the Board of Trustees an extension of this guarantee for 2 additional years.

The budget allocated for financial aid continues to be used exclusively for financial aid. After the application of the new pricing policy, AUB will extend financial aid packages to cover the cost of the additional three credits for students eligible for financial aid, over and above the regular financial aid package.

The University will work with students to ensure and enhance the transparency of the financial aid system through the formation of an oversight committee made up of student members from USFC, faculty members and members of the administration. The committeeā€™s work will be supported by:

a)      An external consulting company to study the financial aid system at AUB and propose reform measures of the current system.
b)      A thorough audit of the financial aid system by an external auditing firm that will provide assurance that the financial aid funds are being distributed equitably in accordance with the rules and regulations of the University. The oversight committee will receive the audit report and communicate it to the AUB community.
c)      Regular reports from the oversight committee to be presented to all students via town meetings or emails (website), describing the process, the mishaps and proposed solutions.
d)      For increased transparency, this committee will publish the number of students who apply for financial aid and the number of students who do not benefit from it.
e)      The committee will create an appropriate and transparent appeal process for financial aid in case the students who apply do not benefit from it or find it unfair or unexplainable.

The Office of Development will work with the students, parents, and socially responsible businesses to raise additional scholarship funds over and above the current financial aid budget.

We are committed to maintaining open communication with the students in the days and weeks to come.

Yours truly,

Peter Dorman


  1. The Dorman email disturbs me greatly. Some students in the protest were definitely out of line. No question about it, and thye should be punished. However, he doesn't mention anything about the AUB provost attacking students or of teachers threatening students. This is all very one-sided and quite unfair.


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