ENERGY DIMENSION: We have learned much about our bodies through old wivesā tales handed down from our moms and grandmothers and even in school, but not all of it is correct. Here we look at 10 misconceptions that might surprise you. 1. Warts can be caught from other animals like toads Human warts are caused by a virus that affects only humans, the human pappiloma virus. They cannot be caught by animals with warts and certainly not by toads whose bumps are not warts but glands. 2. Sugar makes children hyperactive False! Twelve controlled, double blind trials have shown that there is absolutely no connection between childrenās behavior and their sugar intake. One thing was found, namely that parents rate their childās behavior as more hyper when they thought they had been given a sugary drink. āThe studies included sugar from sweets, chocolate and natural sources. Even in studies of those who were considered āsensitiveā to sugar, children did not behave differently after eati...
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