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Showing posts from September, 2013

#OnlineDatingCRE Tweet-up at Crepaway

In celebration of launching its new burger, Crepaway, in partnership with Online Collaborative and Cloud 961, invited a few bloggers and tweeps to try the Hole Good Burger at their newly designed Beirut City Centre branch on Wendesday September 25, 2013. The topic of the night was online dating, as part of Crepawayā€™s hashtag campaign. Attendees got to discuss their experience with online dating from meeting people online to long distance relationships. Each attendee als o got a Crepaway Eco Cup and a ticket to enter a draw to win 2 tickets to attend Rihannaā€™s concert in Abu Dhabi this month. The night ended in delightful desserts and it was ALL GOOD!

Why Mobi is a greedy shit company

After two years of using Mobi as my primary internet at home [I have to because I can't install a phone line since I move a lot and cable is not reliable] and spending more than $2,000 on subscription costs (around $100 per month for around 10GB of internet with "unlimited" night quota, I have decided to to explain to everyone how horrible this company is. If you are ever going to invest in an internet device (portable iBurst, router or 3G) from Mobi, save yourself the trouble and the initial investment and go with something else. What you will pay to get this service is definitely NOT worth your hassle. Some background information first: Mobi offers wireless internet in iBurst (slow older technology that goes up to 1Mbps) and 3G that is a bit faster. They also sell the equipment that is needed to run the internet (special cards, routers, modems, dongles, 3G cards, signal boosters etc...). I currently subscribe to a new bundle they have, called the twin card which...

Inspiring People from The Lebanese Online Community ā€“ Fida Chaaban

In an attempt to promote inspiring stories about people from the Lebanese Online Community, we, at Cloud961 , have decided to dedicate a monthly column to interview an inspiring figure that has left a mark in the Lebanese online sphere. For your suggestions for this column, feel free to email me on Fida Chaaban is the Editor in Chief of RAGMAG Magazine. She is an avid tweep who joined Twitter after moving to Lebanon from Canada just over three years ago. Q: What is your relationship like with the Lebanese Online Community? A: The relationship I have with the online community has actually made me a happier person in Lebanon. Iā€™ve met a lot of my close friends here through Twitter. Initially, my interaction was more of a learning experience, and now itā€™s basically the place where I go to keep updated on what my friends (tweeps) are up to. In addition to the personal side of it, I interact daily with the magazineā€™s readers via Twitter. Their comments on everythi...

Social media after death: has the human race achieved immortality?

This is a feature story done for Cloud 961 Magazine Issue 4 . The main purpose of medicine and the thousands of years of trying to perfect it is to extend a humanā€™s life and eventually achieve immortality (through robotics for example). What the internet, social networks in particular, unexpectedly achieved is another type of immortality: digital immortality. Yet, people donā€™t usually think about what happens to their social profiles online once they are deceased, until they are forced to when someone close to them dies. According to a study done for the purpose of this article, 65% of the respondents have at least one deceased person as a connection on their social media platforms. Only 12%, however, are aware of Facebookā€™s and Twitterā€™s procedures for deceased people. Facebookā€™s official policy for deceased people who have profiles on their site is to turn it into a memorial where ā€œpeople can save and share their memories of those who've passed.ā€ This setting hides the prof...

Are QR codes dead?

When was the last time when you saw a QR code in an advertisement and were excited to scan it, or on the back of your soda can and put it down to see what the code redirects too? Or even worse, when was the last time you stopped your car to snap a QR on a billboard? Chances are that the answer is long time ago, and youā€™re not alone. There are many reasons as to why QR codes are not getting hype anymore. The most common reason is that, believe it or not, a lot of people are still not aware what QR codes are or how to use them. Many donā€™t even notice their presence. QR stands for Quick Response. These codes are two dimensional barcodes and are supposed to be a simple way to link the user to other content such as website links, phone numbers, contact information or other text. The user scans the code using an application on their smartphone to encode its content. But even after you explain the concept to many people, they still do not use it very regularly out of inconvenienc...