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Showing posts from 2015

Social Media Case Studies From The Middle East: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

I was invited to speak at the 4th Arabian Social Media Forum in Kuwait last week. I spoke about some case studies that reflected the state of social media in the Middle East. In my presentation, I discussed successful campaigns from Lebanon, UAE, KSA, Jordan and Egypt. I have also included examples of bad conduct from brands and celebrities on social media, in addition to examples of really bad (ugly) examples of social media customer service from Lebanon and Kuwait. Some key takeaways from the presentation: A simple campaign can go viral for a long time if implemented properly. (# MyDubai ) Negative content spreads much faster than positive content. Campaigns that use negative content in a smart way can take advantage of this with a smaller advertising budget. (Ugliest Couch campaign) You must know and study your demographic before you launch an online campaign. (Samsung Levant's Secret Valentine) With a small budget, small businesses can hugely increase their sales wh...

Brands Got You Fooled

This was the first post we came across by Malik's Lebanon . It's a cute idea, but we're a bit worried that One Directioners (is that the official name of the fandom?) might take it seriously and possibly murder Malik's workers when they find out it's a joke.  Abril foul indeed, good one NGNO !  XXL Energy released an original new flavor inspired by Lebanon. haha Oh Beirut+ TV , how we wish all of what you said was true! Watch the episode here.   Selfie sticks gone too far spotted on Mashable . Update: Apparently this is not a joke? We weep for the future of our planet. A very apparent fake product release was announced by Barry M , the Nip Dip would hypothetically allow you to apply glitter to your nipples.Not sure how we feel about this one... We love it when law enforcement agencies have a sense of humor, good one GMP Radcliffe   One of our favorites (if not absolute favorite) was obviou...

Lebanese entrepreneurship scene: is it all just one big scam?

I was invited last month to speak about the state of entrepreneurship in Lebanon at the Lebanon SME Congress by eBusinessLebanon. Below is my presentation from the conference. Is entrepreneurship in Lebanon really what it is hyped up to be? Don't believe all the fluff, this is what start-ups, accelerators and crowd-funding really like in Lebanon! A clever presentTion by mohamad hijazi of cloud961 at lebanon sme congress yes SOME entrepreneurs have a big mouth and are simply ignorant ā€” Maan Barazy (@maanbarazy) December 18, 2014